Thursday, April 14, 2022

BHARATEEYA Post Office :: Digital Post :: ePost :: 24X7 Facility


::  BHARATEEYA Post Office  ::  Digital Post  ::  ePost  ::  24X7 Facility  ::

 -> OFFLINE (PhysicalCopy): Machinery for the following Task: Anytime Post:

* Calculate the value of Stamps based on Parameters [ Weight of Letter/Parcel; and Type of Post (Ordinary/CertificateOf/Registered/Speed/Book Post); and Location BHARAT/Foreign.]; and Print them (with 'Barcode / QR code') by receiving Payment (Cash/Digital). 

* Provide the required stamps/envelopes/postcards/inland for BHARAT/Foreign Location, by receiving Payment (Cash/Digital).  

* Dropbox for Card/Letter.

* Sorting of Letters based on 'TO Address'.

- Letters that are received from Postboxes.

- Letters to be given to Postmen for Delivery.

-> Tollfree Helpline:  

* Track the ePost

* Postal Charges 

* Pin-codes

* Post Office Locations

-> ONLINE features: ePost:

* ePost is a facility which receives the 'processed SoftCopy' of the Card/Letter at Source; and dispatches the 'processed PhysicalCopy' of them at Destination; in the following process ways:

- Process at Source ((Web, Mobile, etc.) App): Receives SoftCopy of the Card/Letter, to Send.  [convertion not required.]

- Process at Source (Post Office): Receives PhysicalCopy of the Card/Letter; and converts them to ScanCopy/SoftCopy, to Send. 

- Process at Destination (Post Office): Receives ScanCopy/SoftCopy of the Card/Letter; and converts them to PhysicalCopy, for dispatch.

* Stages of Card/Letter: SoftCopy, PhysicalCopy, ScanCopy, PrintedCopyAtDestination, RePrintedCopyAtSource. 

* Machine Features: "ScanPostErosionForProcess", "PrintPackPostForDelivery".

* Status of Card/Letter: 

- At Source: DropboxAtSrc, ScannedAtSrc, Posted/Submitted/Sent AtSrc, ErosionAtSrc.

- At Destination: PrintedAtDest, DropboxAtDest, AssignedAtDest, DeliveredAtDest, UndeliveredAtDest, ErosionUndeliveredAtDest.

- Return At Source: PrintedReAtSrc, DropboxReAtSrc, AssignedReAtSrc, DeliveredReAtSrc, UndeliveredReAtSrc, ErosionUndeliveredReAtSrc. 

- Acknowledgement At Source: PrintedAckAtSrc, DropboxAckAtSrc, AssignedAckAtSrc, DeliveredAckAtSrc, UndeliveredAckAtSrc, ErosionUndeliveredAckAtSrc.

* ePost (Web, Mobile, etc.) App : SoftCopy : 

- Source: An EndCustomer can write a Card/Letter at Online by specifying Address; and make a Post.  The content may be uploaded document.  

- Destination: Undelivered Card/Letter: If printed copy of Card/Letter is not delivered at Destination within specific time (For example, two weeks), Postman will mark it as RETURN at machine in Post Office; the machine will make it as renewable/recyclable resource (with an Audit Report), for Security/Privacy.  'RETURN Delivery' and Acknowledgement may not be required for SoftCopy, as full details are available at Online.  

* ePost at Post Office: "ScanPostErosionForProcess", "PrintPackPostForDelivery".

- At Source: PhysicalCopy to ScanCopy: 

-- An EndCustomer can 'Scan (with/without OCR feature) & Post' a Card/Letter at Post Office, for Online process.  

-- There will be ePost Dropbox at Post Office for the same purpose.  Post Office Staff can process ('Scan & Post') them, for Online process.  

-- On successful completion of process ('Scan & Post'), the machine will make the Card/Letter as renewable/recyclable resource (with an Audit Report), for Security/Privacy. 

- At Destination: ScanCopy to PrintedCopyAtDestination:

-- The Card/Letter will be printed (with 'Barcode / QR code') at Destination Post Office; and get delivered.  

-- Undelivered Card/Letter: If printed copy of Card/Letter is not delivered at Destination within specific time (For example, two weeks), Postman will mark it as RETURN in machine; the machine will make it as renewable/recyclable resource (with an Audit Report), for Security/Privacy.  

- Return At Source: ScanCopy to RePrintedCopyAtSource:

-- The RETURN Card/Letter will be reprinted at Source, for RETURN Delivery.

-- Finally, the RETURN Card/Letter will be specified as delivered or undelivered at Source.  Machine will make the undelivered RETURN copy as renewable/recyclable resource (with an Audit Report), for Security/Privacy.

- Later, ePost system will remove the softcopy of Card/Letter from Database (with an Audit Report), that are marked as DeliveredAtDest and ErosionUndeliveredReAtSrc, for Security/Privacy.

- "ScanPostErosionForProcess" feature to scan physical/printed copy; Post it; and make it as renewable/recyclable resource (with an Audit Report).

- "PrintPackPostForDelivery" feature to make a pack of Letter for Delivery; i.e., Printing (Content, TO/FROM address, 'Barcode / QR code', etc.) and Packing (enclosing with/without Cover.  i.e., Additional Cover may not be required for Card and Inland letter.; seal it; and drop it in Dropbox).  

Thus, once EndCustomer (or Post Office Staff) raise a request for ePost at Online, the Pack will be ready for Delivery within span of time, at Destination. 

- Acknowledgement Delivery:  

-- By default, EndCustomer will get Message/eMail on Delivery, if Mobile/eMail specified. 

-- If EndCustomer choose Acknowledgement option while posting; after Delivery of Card/Letter, Acknowledgement will be printed at Source for Delivery.  Finally, the Acknowledgement will be specified as delivered or undelivered.  Machine will make the undelivered Acknowledgement as renewable/recyclable resource (with an Audit Report), for Security/Privacy.    

* OFFLINE  (PhysicalCopy): Normal Postal Service will take care about physical documents.   

* Additional features: 

- EndCustomer can also login the ePost (Web, Mobile, etc.) App with eAADHAAR Authentication, to select FROM address, to save 'TO Addresses', ePosts, (Uploaded) Documents, etc.

- Letter-Cover Design: Size of Letter (Ex: A4/A5); with/without folding; Colour Printing.  ePost (Web, Mobile, etc.) App will display the Postal (Stamp) Charges, based on specific Parameters.  

- Stamp: EndCustomer can choose Logo/Photo for Stamp print; For foreign letters, the Stamp may be BHARATEEYA Flag.

- EndCustomer can post same content for multiple Addresses; i.e., One-to-Many.  Ex: Invitation, Greeting, Notice, etc.

- EndCustomer can raise a bulk order for stamps/envelopes/postcards/inland for BHARAT/Foreign Location.

- EndCustomer can track the status of Delivery.  

- EndCustomer will get Message/eMail on Delivery.

- EndCustomer can see expected Delivery Date (excluding holidays).

- EndCustomer can also choose a Delivery Date, to Post Greeting. 

- Helpline/Computer/Tab facility at Post Offices; to avail the ePost feature.

* Benefits:

- Helpful to the people/receivers who don't have Computer/Internet facility.

- Helpful to the people/senders who knows 'TO Address' don't know/have eMail/Phone/Mobile.

- Print at Destination/Source.  

-- No Transportation.  Save Transportation charges/time.  

-- Safe Delivery.  Prevent Transportation damages in Nature disaster (Cyclone, Heavy Rains, Floods, Storms, Earthquake, etc.) situations.

-- 'RETURN Delivery' and Acknowledgement may not be required for Online requests.

-- 'to and fro' transportation is not required for Acknowledgement.

-- Prevent Stock issues: Minimises the maintenance of Stock (for stamps/envelopes/postcards/inland for BHARAT/Foreign Location) at Post Offices.  Balancing Stock at different places.  Stock damages. 

-- Print as per requirement/need/order.

- Fast and Accuracy Delivery; and Robust process.  As Card/Letter will be printed at Destination, it may take 'minimum one day, and maximum two days (in remote areas)' for Delivery, to any place. 

- Cost effective.  The Postal charges can be very less.

- Space for Advertisement.

-> NIRAM LanKeys ( 

* Making Text (at Card/Letter) in Mother-tongue or any desired language.

* Highly Secured Authentication with World languages.

* Natural Language Processing with Audio. 

-> Challenges:  World-wide ePost 

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