Monday, February 27, 2023

A Story :: Is it Complaint or Complement ?

November 2000



I was a Computer Science Lecturer for Degree and PG Students at S Ch College in Maddirala.


On (last) Friday, BCA Final Year Students ( Mr. Amar V and his classmates ) came to me; and said “Sir….. in most of the Computers, Computer is displaying an Error message as ‘Hard-disk is Full’.  We have observed that the First Year Students are doing many Programs and many number of times.”.

Then, I said “Are they doing Programs to make that Error message ?”. 

Final Year Student(s) said “No Sir.  They are doing their Classwork related Programs only.”. 

Then, I said “Good observation.  They are doing their work (practice) well.  There is no wrong with them.  We will take care of Computers, to resolve the issue.  Give me the list of those Computers.  Computers will be ready by next Monday.”. 

Final Year Students have given the list of Computers, which are having issues. 

[ In those days, each Computer was having 2GB Hard-disk with Software (Microsoft Windows Me; Microsoft Office; Borland/Turbo C++; COBOL; Java JDK; Microsoft Visual Studio; and any additional Software based on Students Project requirement.). ]


In next hour, I went to BCA First Year Students’ Classroom, to give a regular Class Lecture. 

I said “Your Seniors…  Final Year Students are saying that…...  as you are all doing many Programs and many number of times…  most of the Computers’ Hard-disk became Full.”, by addressing all the Students in the Classroom.  

The entire Class was listening to me very silently and carefully. 

Then, I said “Is it Complaint or Complement ?  Tell me.”, by looking at entire Class seriously. 

The complete Classroom was in pin-drop silent.

Now, all the Young Brains were thinking very sharply.  They might be looking towards me, but their Brain was thinking to give Answer to my Question. 

Initially…  First Bench Student Mr. Shreenu and few more Students said “It’s Complement…  Sir.”.  Immediately, the remaining Students were also joined with them. 

I have given a Smile. 

Then, the full Classroom was echoed with Claps

I said “Excellent” loudly. 

Then, Mr. Shreenu said “The Complaint became Complement, under your guidance… Sir”. 

Then, I said “You are all better to take backup of your practiced Programs.  Your Computers are going to be formatted.” with all. 

Then, Last Bench Student Mr. Suman said “Sir…  As you are verifying our Workbooks and Records frequently, so that, we are making them up-to-date on everyday.”.       

Then, all the Students were started saying the reasons, for doing many Programs and many number of times. 

Then, I said “Let me mention on the Board… about the way of you are doing the Programs.”. 

Then, Students said “Initially, we have typed the Program as it is in the Computer, and got it completed with the Compilation and Execution success”. 

Then, I said “Stage 1:  You are all doing Data-Entry work.  You might have done corrections in your Workbook/Notebook.  But, it’s not a way of learning the Programming.”. 

Then, Students said “Yes, Sir.  You have mentioned this earlier also.  Then, we have changed the way of learning the Programs, as per your suggestions.  Then later, we have noted down the Question of the Program in the Workbook; and then started developing the Program on the Computer directly… step by step.”. 

Then, I said “Stage 2:  This is the way of Learning the ProgrammingGood”. 

Then, Students said “In this Stage, we have completed all Workbook Programs.  Later, you have mentioned that, find out the Examples in your Notebook and convert them in to Programs.  Then, we have completed this Task also.”. 

Then, I said “Stage 3:  This is the way of Implementing the Program from a basic pointVery Good”. 

Then, Students said “Up to this Stage, we have completed Workbook Programs and Notebook Examples.  Later, you have advised us to do practice; and resolve the Errors by our own (may be with friends help also).”. 

Then, I said “Stage 4:  Revision and Practice makes your hard-work perfect.”.        

Then, Students said “That’s why…  Many Programs and many number of times.”. 

Then, I said “Excellent.  The goodness of Programming is…  once you learned…  you will keep on adding additional features to your Programming-learn.  You never forget them.  All the Best”. 

Then, Students said “Thank you very much… Sir.”. 

After few minutes of Classwork, Class was over for the day.   


Our College Office Staff Mr. Jilaani keeps an Eagle-Eye on all the Classrooms and the availability of Lecturer in each Classroom.  His Team was responsible for Time-Table management, as per Principal guidelines. 

After completion of this Class, Mr. Jilaani has enquired the Students about, the reason for the Claps of Sound from the Classroom; and questioned them about the completion of Syllabus. 

[ In general, when Syllabus is completed for the specific Academic Year, then that Class Students celebrate by making the Claps. ]

Students have revealed the entire Story to him. 

Then, Mr. Jilaani said “Vaah.....  Wonderful......  Your Classmates made a history......  

Generally, during the starting of every Academic Year, all Computers are formatted, and made them available for Students, in each and every Computer Lab.  But, this Year…  Computers are need to be formatted once again in your Lab, because of all your hard-work.  It never happened in the history of this College.  

In the initial days of your Batch, Staff have marked your batch as Academically Poor BatchBut, your performance is just unbelievable.”.            

Then, Students said “We have learned the way of Programming… from our Lecturer; and following his Suggestions and Instructions as well..”.  


My Students never worried about Exams.   

Our Department HoD (Head of the Department) Prof. Phani Raj K V and Staff were felt very Happy by knowing the performance of the Students.  
