Sunday, August 4, 2024

A Story :: An esteemed Gift from my Friends....!

A  friend  in  need  is  a  (great  many)  friend(s)  indeed.

May 2023


[ Prof. MaadhaveeLata was a Lecturer in Computer Science subject to us, during my MCA study (1995-98), in RVR & JC College of Engineering.  Later, she was moved to Hyderabad.  Whenever I visit Hyderabad, I get her blessings by making a phone call .  Her family members were impressed so much.  As a complement, they said “How much obedient is this Student ?  He is seeking attendance from his Lecturer, even after his College study.”. ] 


One day, I got a call from Prof. MaadhaveeLata.  She asked me about the status of my Entrepreneurship journey; and also enquired me about my walking-aid orthotics.  Meanwhile, she mentioned that my MCA classmates want to help me, for the improvement of my walking, further. 


[ I am a Physically Challenged Person .  I completely depend on the walking-aid orthotics ‘KAFO (knee-ankle-foot orthosis)-Caliper’, for my left-leg.  At that time, I was wearing KAFO-Caliper, that was made with plastic, by Mobility India, NGO at J P Nagar in Bengaluru (pronunciation Bemgalooru).  The quality of this KAFO-Caliper was good.  I took it in 2011.  Even, it was still good, by that time. ] 


Prof. MaadhaveeLata also suggested me to get enquire about the better (than the existing) KAFO-Caliper for me.  My classmates Mr. Sanat, Prof. David Arun Paul, and Mr. Gopi Krishna R (pronunciation Mr. Goapi Krishna R) also suggested me. 

Initially, I was not much interested to change my KAFO-Caliper.  Because, it may take months to get adjusted with the new KAFO-Caliper while walking. Another reason…  If it is better than the existing KAFO-Caliper, then it will be expensive, obviously.  The existing KAFO-Caliper was still in good condition, but it may be required to change later.  




With Prof. MaadhaveeLata reminder, I came to know about my classmates’ interest and their initiation to help me. 

Then, I have started to enquire about the best KAFO-Caliper.  I went personally to different organizations, who make KAFO-Calipers.  Most of them have mentioned about the Mobility India.  Very few have mentioned about ottobock.  Finally, I went to Mobility India.  They also suggested me for ottobock.  Then, I got a belief on ottobock. 




By informing to Prof. MaadhaveeLata about ottobock, I have entered into ottobock, at (Tavarekere Main Road, S G Palya) Koramangala (pronunciation KoaraMamgala) Branch. 

At ottobock, Ms. ShubhaSmita said “Sir…  We make the KAFO-Caliper with ‘Carbon-Fiber’ material.  So, it is very much stronger than (your) existing plastic KAFO-Caliper; and also, durability will be more.  You can go through our preliminary measurement (with no cost) process.  So that, I can provide the quotation for you.”.  Later, she mentioned about the discount and their further support.  Based on measurement, she also suggested me the suitable KAFO-Caliper type.  The suggested KAFO-Caliper was lesser price than the available options/types.  I felt that they were not money-minded people.  My belief was increased. 

ottobock Treatment Process

Mr. Sanat became single point of Contact, from my MCA classmates.  Previously, he took initiation by creating WhatsApp group, after gathering contacts of each classmate. 

By knowing the quotation and my feedback, both Prof. MaadhaveeLata and Mr. Sanat have wished me for further process.  They have mentioned that my classmates want to give new KAFO-Caliper, as a Gift for me. 

Then, I have informed to Ms. ShubhaSmita about our wish to take ottobock’s Carbon-Fiber KAFO-Caliper.  Mr. Sanat also contacted her.  With our approval, she has raised the order at ottobock. 


June 2023 


After three weeks, I was informed about the arrival of spare parts, for making KAFO-Caliper.  After making initial 50% of payment, Ms. ShubhaSmita asked me for a visit to ottobock. 

Dr. Naveen K V (specialist), Mr. Andrews (Technician), and Ms. DebaRati (Assistant) took precision measurement.  They have observed my old KAFO-Caliper, and also my walking mode with it.  After measurement process, they have initiated process to make the new Carbon-Fiber KAFO-Caliper. 


July 2023


Within two weeks, the KAFO-Caliper is ready.  I was informed for trail-walk with the new KAFO-Caliper.  Dr. Naveen K V, Mr. Andrews, and Ms. DebaRati have observed my trail-walk; and made necessary corrections.  I said “This new KAFO-Caliper is tight-fit.”.  But they suggested me for practice.  This process went through further one week.  Ms. DebaRati became the Contact person in ottobock, then onwards. 

For the first time, Ms. DebaRati has helped me to wear this new KAFO-Caliper.  Later, I have given a complement to her by saying “I got remember of my Mother, when you helped me while wearing it, for the first time.  In my childhood days, my Mother helps me while wearing it.”.  She felt very happy for my feedback. 

ottobock KAFO-Caliper

After making the remaining 50% payment, the new KAFO-Caliper was delivered, along with a consolidated Receipt.  ottobock has packed my old plastic KAFO-Caliper and given to me.  Then, I went to my home by wearing the new KAFO-Caliper. 

In a day, I felt very difficult (pain and uncomfortable) with the new KAFO-Caliper while walking/sitting/standing.  My left-leg muscles swelled slightly, due to tightness. 


My Analysis:  This new KAFO-Caliper was made with exact fit measurement; and they took measurement by keeping my leg in a straight position.  When I sit, the measurement was getting changed due to muscle expansion.  KAFO-Caliper was not having space to accommodate that extra muscle strength.  This was causing more difficulty for me. 


With Prof. MaadhaveeLata and classmates advise, I went back to ottobock, by wearing my old KAFO-Caliper; and explained them about the issue with examples.

I said “✳ Example #1:  Keep arm straight 🤜, then look at width of the muscle (between elbow and shoulder); later, bend the arm at elbow 💪, then look at width of the muscle (between elbow and shoulder).  There is a variation.  Similarly, the width of the leg muscles varies between the scenarios, when a person stands 🧍 and sits 👨🦽.  

✳ Example #2:  The width of the leg muscles varies slightly, between the scenarios, when a person stands 🧍 and walks 🚶. 

✳ Example #3:  Over the period of time, muscles may expand naturally.”. 


Dr. Naveen K V verified the variation between both old and new KAFO-Calipers, based on my inputs/examples.  The variation was in fractional inches, but creating more difficulty.  I said “Sir… The variation might be fractional, because my left-leg was affected by polio.”.  Then, he understood my difficulty.  

He said “Sir…  It’s good that you have stopped wearing it, when you felt pain.  We too advise the same.”. 

I said “Sir…  But I worried very badly with these difficulties.”. 

By knowing my worry, Dr. Naveen K V said “Don’t worry… Sir.  You came here to get best service from us.  We understand your difficulty.  Till you believe our service as best,

initially, we will do the necessary changes in this new KAFO-Caliper, to make it convenient for you. 

If nothing works, we will make another new KAFO-Caliper for you later. 

Because, if you don’t use our product, there will be no benefit to our company.  If you use, satisfy, and then appreciate our product; then, others can come to us easily.”. 

His words were given basic relief for me. 

Mr. Andrews said “Till now, we made many KAFO-Calipers.  But, no one came back to us.  You are the only one, who came back with issues.  We have noted your feedback.  So, we will make it suitable for you.”.  He has related each issue with medical terminology words.

Another two weeks went for changes and trails process. 

I was in communication with Prof. MaadhaveeLata and my classmates.  Their wish to see my happiness with new KAFO-Caliper, that need to be created more benefit than the old one.  My wish is to create value for their Gift. 


August 2023


But I was still facing difficulty with new KAFO-Caliper, even after many changes.  I said with ottobock Branch Manager Mr. Sudarshan, “Sir… I can’t proceed with this new KAFO-Caliper.”.  Then, he took initiation for making another new KAFO-Caliper for me.  Dr. Naveen K V and Mr. Andrews took my old plastic KAFO-Caliper for taking measurement, as it was best suited for me.  Within a week, newly made another KAFO-Caliper was ready. 

ottobock KAFO-Caliper good

Mr. Andrews asked me “Sir…  We have included ankle joint for this new KAFO-Caliper also.  We can lock/un-lock it at any time, based on your convenient.  Initially, what do you prefer ?”.  

I said “My old plastic KAFO-Caliper was not having ankle joint.  Because, plastic-foot 🦶 in my KAFO-Caliper is bending slightly while walking, to provide the required convenience.  Presently, I don’t know.  Keep the ankle joint locked now.  Let me verify it.”. 


My Analysis:  This new KAFO-Caliper was made with ‘Carbon-Fiber’ that is rigid.  When KAFO-Caliper’s foot never bends, then, my walking mode applying pressure on my leg-bone (i.e., bone at foot, and in between ankle and knee joints), that was causing pain. 


Then, I have requested them unlock the ankle joint slightly. 

With few more minor changes, this newly made KAFO-Caliper became very good. 

I went to my home by wearing it. 


My Analysis:  My old plastic KAFO-Caliper bends slightly at different positions, while walking.  But this newly made ‘Carbon-Fiber KAFO-Caliper’ doesn’t bend; that makes more support and convenient while walking.  This new ‘Carbon-Fiber KAFO-Caliper’ is slightly lighter than the old plastic KAFO-Caliper.


January 2024


After few months, KAFO-Caliper ankle joint was giving more movement, due to screws loose; that was causing difficulty while walking on rough/sand (earth) surface.  I have visited ottobock with an appointment.  They have tightened the ankle joint screws. 


April 2024


After few months, KAFO-Caliper ankle was giving more movement again, due to screws loose, and knee joint screws also became loose; that was causing difficulty while walking.  I took appointment to visit ottobock, and explained about the issues to Ms. DebaRati.  To avoid screws looseness, they dipped the screws in PoP (Plaster of Paris) and fixed them to ankle and knee joints; and asked me to wear KAFO-Caliper after 5 hours. 

After resolving all the issues, ottobock KAFO-Caliper became very good.  🙂

ottobock support was excellent during the entire process. 


Ram with ottobock Staff

May 2024




[ For my KAFO-Caliper, choosing suitable shoes are very important.  I wear KAFO-Caliper to my left-leg.  My left-leg (effected with polio) is shorter than my right-leg.  To make balanced walk, height-raise is required for my left-shoe.  Generally, I get it fixed it, by adding additional rubber at bottom of the left-shoe.  Due to lack of shoe’s bottom grip sole (i.e., anti-skid outsole), I felt uncomfortable while walking. ] 


In ottobock, there was no shoe-alteration section.  But they suggested me to wear light-weight shoes and light-weight rubber (for height-raise). 


My classmates wanted to Gift shoes also, for me.  Even, they have included extra money for travelling expenses, in Gift Later, they have given donation to NIRAM Foundation (

Prof. MaadhaveeLata has suggested me for Adidas trekking shoes, with the feedback of her family members.  These shoes are light-weight and anti-skid. 


My Analysis:  I need an alteration for my left-shoe; by removing outsole carefully, attaching additional (3” of) rubber at the bottom of the shoe, then later, reattaching the removed outsole at bottom of the left-shoe.  This process can help me for comfortable and safe walk.  


I bought Adidas trekking shoes at H S R Layout.  By knowing (my left-shoe) alteration requirement, Adidas Employee has given reference of Mr. Pronto shop, at Nexus Forum Mall Koramangala  (pronunciation KoaraMamgala). 


June 2024


At Mr. Pronto shop, Mr. Naveen (Technician) has done the required alteration (Remove outsole, attach light-weight rubber, and reattach outsole) for my left-shoe. 

Then, my walking was improved better than earlier, with anti-skid outsole at left-shoe.  🙂


Adidas Trekking Shoes Mr. Pronto



[ My Analysis:  While walking/standing, I mostly depend on my right-leg.  My left-leg provides support with the help of KAFO-Caliper.  It doesn’t maintain body weight.  My body weight is completely maintained by right-leg while walking/standing.  So, I can’t stand more time; and also, can’t walk more distance. 

My left-shoe rarely gets damaged; as my left-foot is in KAFO-Caliper, and this KAFO-Caliper is in left-shoe.  So, left-leg gives only support, while walking/standing. 

My right-shoe gets damaged frequently.  Because, while walking/standing, the pressure points are applied at specific locations in right-foot.  In the right-shoe, rubber gets pressed more, at those specific locations; that makes pain to my right-foot gradually.  To avoid pain, I manage by keeping sole/rubber pieces additionally. ]  


One day, I have visited OSH (Occupational Safety and Health) BHARAT at BIEC. 

In this Exhibition, I have observed the design of the safety-Shoes.  Then, I was interested to try them.  By knowing my requirement, Jama Corporation Pvt Ltd (Technical) Expert suggested me that safety-Shoes are not suitable for me.  Because, these are covered with steel frame, and are having more weight; so that, these are suitable for Industrial usage, but not for regular usage. 

In this matter, I came to know that my Plan-A (safety-Shoes) was not suitable for me.  After knowing layers of the safety-Shoes, I have started making a (simple) Plan-B, with the following items; Steel-mid sole and Foam in socks sole.


My Analysis:  These two (Steel-mid sole and Foam in socks sole) items can help me in the following ways:

Due to ‘Steel-mid sole’, the pressure points are distributed equally to entire bottom of the shoe, and the rubber is pressed equally.  It avoids (regular) foot pain. 

          This ‘steel-mid sole’ is made with flexible steel metal.  So, it bends slightly along with foot 🦶, while walking.  This makes more convenient. 

          Foam in sock sole’ avoids roughness of ‘steel-mid sole’, and provides softness.  This (upper most ‘Foam in sock sole’) may be required for replace, awhile.  But, it’s not an expensive task. 

          ✳ In this way, these two items can be helpful to avoid shoe damage, and can improve shoe durability.    


When I have explained my Analysis with Jama Corporation Pvt Ltd Expert, he agreed it.  He said “Good idea.  Those (items) are also not much expensive.”.  I have requested him for only those two items.  His colleague Mr. Ashish asked me to send an email. 

During my enquiry about these two items, few more company representatives were asked me to send email. 


July 2024


Finally, the following two companies have given response to my email; and sent the requested items by courier: Jama Corporation Pvt Ltd and Reliance Trends Footwear.  Both companies have mentioned these items as Gift.  

Then, I kept ‘Steel-mid sole’ in my right-shoe, and covered it with ‘Foam in sock sole’. 

Thus, my walking is improved further.  Wonderful...!  😊

Ram with ottobock KAFO-Caliper


Phase-5     [Pending]


[ My Analysis:  To minimize weight of my left-shoe further, I would like to replace 

the (additional 2.5”) rubber with a hollow-box that is made with Carbon-Fiber

and remaining 0.5" rubber is in either of two ways (alter/default), based on the three parameters, (i) foot 'strength and dimension (size: width/length)', (ii) shoe-raise width (less/more), and (iii) 'shoe (outsole) dimension Vs rubber dimension' (straight/slope/step mode)::  

✳ alter (slope/step) mode:  

After considering two (foot 'strength & dimension' and shoe-raise width) parameters initially, then the requirement of the rubber alteration needs to be decided.  If these two parameters suggest for alteration, and also the shoe (outsole) dimension is straight; then the slope/step mode is required in rubber, slightly.  So, this (additional 0.5") rubber need to be fixed in either slope (back 0.5" to front 0.25"; slope starts after 50% of shoe length) or step (back 0.5" and front 0.25", in 50% ratio) mode.  

✳ default (straight) mode:  

If two (foot 'strength & dimension' and shoe-raise width) parameters doesn't suggest for alteration, and also the shoe (outsole) dimension is already having slope/step mode; then the separate alteration is not required in rubber.  So, this (additional 0.5") rubber need to be fixed in a straight mode. ]

I have requested ottobock Staff (Dr. Naveen K V and Mr. Sudarshan) to do this experiment.  They have mentioned that they need approval from ottobock HO. 

This request/experiment is still pending at ottobock.


*  *  *  *  *

Kudos to

Prof. Madhavi Lata N  ( pronunciation Prof. MaadhaveeLata N ), 

Mr. Sanath V  (pronunciation Mr. Sanat V), 

Mr. David Arun Paul B

Mr. Gopi Krishna R (pronunciation Mr. Goapi Krishna R), 

all other MCA classmates


Staff (Ms. ShubhaSmita, Dr. Naveen K V, Mr. Andrews

Ms. DebaRati  (pronunciation DeabaRati)

Mr. Sudarshan, Admin,...), 

Mr. Pronto

Staff(Mr. Naveen),

Jama Corporation Pvt. Ltd.

Staff (Mr. Ashish J)

Reliance Trends Footwear  

Staff (Mr. Shivananda Rao (pronunciation Mr. Shivaanamda Raavu)).

🤝 🤝 🤝 🤝 🤝  Happy Friendship Day  🤝 🤝 🤝 🤝 🤝

✳  ✳  ✳  ✳  ✳  THE END  ✳  ✳  ✳  ✳  

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

A Story :: Be alert with Cyber Criminals

 July 2015


I was participating in Launchpad programme at NSRCEL (in IIMB Campus), to make IT (Information Technology) Startup Business venture with NIRAM as a Founder


One day, I got a (Mobile) Call from an anonymous person (may be Cyber Crime Suspicious). 

That Anonymous person said “Sir, Government is asking for KYC update for Bank Accounts immediately. … …  

In which Bank, you have the Bank Account ?”. 

[ I was alerted, due to his suspicious nature and question.  But, want to know about him. ]

I said “I am having Bank Account in RBI.”. 


Anonymous person said “Oh.  Can you tell me your Bank Account Number.”. 

[ Then, I discovered that Anonymous person as a Cyber Criminal. ]

Later, I said “RBI is giving ATM Cards for Bank Account-holders.  

Bank Account Number is encrypted as QR Code, on the ATM Card 

So, don’t know Bank Account Number.”. 


Cyber Criminal said “Then, tell me your ATM Card PIN.”. 

I said “Is ATM Card PIN required… to do KYC update ?”. 

Cyber Criminal said “Yes, Sir.  Please tell me your ATM Card PIN.” in hurry. 


Then, I said “Oh… …  Now, I identified you perfectlywho… you are… and… what… you do.  

I think that you know my Mobile Number… … right ?”. 

Cyber Criminal said “Yes.  I know.”. 

Then, I said “First… you note down my Mobile Number.  

By the time, you complete… it’s writing, …   

Police will come and meet you.   

He will tell you the remaining details…!”. 


(Mobile) Call was disconnected.          

Then, I felt safe🙂 😊 


This incident made me to write the following Blog Articles...    …  …  …  …      

National Security & Privacy :: Importance of having Cyber Security. ).  

Request to TRAI :: About the Common Issues with the Telecom Services. )


✳  ✳  THE END  ✳  ✳